Friday, February 8, 2013

360 Million B.C.T. - The Great Fossil Mystery

From 360 Million B.C.T. to 345 Million B.C.T., a gap in the fossil record occurred. It is as though after destroying most of the Creation that occurred during the Devonian Period, God paused for 15 million years, before beginning the Creation of the Carboniferous Period.

Romer's Gap is an example of an apparent gap in the tetrapod fossil record used in the study of evolutionary biology. Such gaps represent periods from which excavators have not yet found relevant fossils. Romer's gap is named after paleontologist Dr. Alfred Romer, who first recognised it.

Romer's gap ran from approximately 360 to 345 million years ago, corresponding to the first 15 million years of the Carboniferous Period. The gap forms a discontinuity between the primitive forests and high diversity of fishes in the end Devonian and more modern aquatic and terrestrial assemblages of the early Carboniferous.

There has been long debate as to why there are so few fossils from this time period. Some have suggested the problem was of fossilization itself, suggesting that there may have been differences in the geochemistry of the time that did not favor fossil formation. Also, excavators simply may not have dug in the right places. However, the existence of a true low point in vertebrate diversity has been supported by independent lines of evidence.

While initial arthropod terrestriality was well under way before the gap, and some digited tetrapods might have come on land, there are remarkably few terrestrial or aquatic fossils that date from the gap itself.  Recent work on Paleozoic geochemistry has confirmed the biological reality of Romer's gap in both terrestrial vertebrates and arthropods, and has correlated it with a period of unusually low atmospheric oxygen concentration, which was independently determined from the idiosyncratic geochemistry of rocks formed during Romer's gap.

Aquatic vertebrates, which include most tetrapods during the Carboniferous, were recovering from a Late Devonian extinction -- a major extinction event that preceded Romer's gap, one on par with that which killed the dinosaurs. In the Late Devonian extinction, most marine and freshwater groups went extinct or were reduced to a few lineages, although the precise mechanism of the extinction is unclear. Before the Late Devonian extinction, oceans and lakes were dominated by lobe-finned fishes and armored fishes called placoderms. After Romer's gap, modern ray finned fish, as well as sharks and their relatives were the dominant forms. The period also saw the demise of the Ichthyostegalia, the early fish-like amphibians with more than five digits.

The low diversity of marine fishes, particularly shell-crushing predators (durophages), at the beginning of Romer's gap is supported by the sudden abundance of hard-shelled crinoid echinoderms during the same period. The Tournaisian stage -- the first fifteen million years of the Carboniferous Period that corresponds to the period of the Romer's Gap -- has even been called the "Age of Crinoids". Once the number of shell-crushing ray-finned fishes and sharks increased later in the Carboniferous, coincident with the end of Romer's gap, the diversity of crinoids with Devonian-type armor plummeted, following the pattern of a classic predator-prey cycle.

The gap in the tetrapod record has been progressively closed with the discoveries of such early Carboniferous tetrapods as Pederpes and Crassigyrinus. There are a few sites where vertebrate fossils have been found to help fill in the gap, such as the East Kirkton Quarry, in Bathgate, Scotland, a long-known fossil site that was revisited by Stanley P. Wood in 1984 and has since been revealing a number of early tetrapods in the mid Carboniferous; "literally dozens of tetrapods came rolling out: Balanerpeton (a temnospondyl), Silvanerpeton and Eldeceeon (basal anthracosaurs), all in multiple copies, and one spectacular proto-amniote, Westlothiana", Paleos Project reports. However, tetrapod material in the earliest stage of the Carboniferous, the Tournaisian, is typically scarce relative to fishes in the same habitats, which can appear in large death assemblages, and is unknown until late in the stage. Fish faunas from Tournaisian sites around the world are very alike in composition, containing common and ecologically similar species of ray-finned fishes, rhizodont lobe-finned fishes, acanthodians, sharks, and holocephalans.

For many years after Romer's gap was first recognized, only two sites yielding Tournaisian-age tetrapod fossils were known: one in East Lothian, Scotland and another in Blue Beach, Nova Scotia. In 1841, William Logan, the first Director of the Geological Survey of Canada, found footprints from a tetrapod. Blue Beach maintains a fossil museum and displays hundreds of fossils from this period that continue to be found as the cliff continues to reveal new fossils as it continues to erode. In 2012, tetrapod remains from four new Tournaisian sites in Scotland were announced. These localities are the coast of Burnmouth, the banks of the Whiteadder Water near Chirnside, the River Tweed near Coldstream, and the rocks near Tantallon Castle alongside the Firth of Forth. Fossils of both aquatic and terrestrial tetrapods are known from these localities, providing an important record of the transition between life in water and life on land and filling some of the lacunae (missing fossil record) in Romer's gap. These new localities may represent a larger fauna, as all lie within a short distance of each other and share many fishes with the nearby and contemporary Foulden fish bed locality (which has not produced tetrapods thus far).

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