Thursday, November 15, 2012

3.7 Billion B.C.T. - The Late Heavy Bombardment Ended

Around 3.7 Billion B.C.T., the Late Heavy Bombardment of the Earth came to an end.

The Late Heavy Bombardment (commonly referred to as the lunar cataclysm, or LHB) is a period of time approximately 4.1 to 3.7 billion years ago during which a large number of impact craters were formed on the Moon, and by inference on Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars as well. The LHB is "late" only in relation to the main period of accretion, when the Earth and the other three rocky planets first formed and gained most of their mass.  In relation to the Earth or to Solar System history as a whole, it is still a fairly early phase. The evidence for this event comes primarily from the dating of lunar samples, which indicates that most impact melt rocks formed in this rather narrow interval of time. While many hypotheses have been put forth to explain a spike in the flux of either asteroidal or cometary materials in the inner Solar System, no consensus yet exists as to its cause. The Nice model, popular among planetary scientists, postulates that the gas giant planets underwent orbital migration at this time, scattering objects in the asteroid belt and/or Kuiper belt on eccentric orbits that crossed those of the terrestrial planets.

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